To use SQL Variables, wrap the Variable Name with $ (Dollar Sign). For example, $MY_VARIABLE$.
Wrapping apostrophes around SQL Variables are not required.
SQL Variables (Optional)
Variable Name
Variable Type
Variable Value
Table Columns
Column Shows
Use Values Of This Field Column As
SQL Query
Preview SQL Statement With Variables
Test SQL
To use SQL Variables, wrap the Variable Name with $ (Dollar Sign). For example, $MY_VARIABLE$.
Wrapping apostrophes around SQL Variables are not required.
SQL Variables (Optional)
Variable Name
Variable Type
Variable Value
Table Columns
Column Heading
Column Shows
Display As Group Header
Column Alignment
Date (E.g. 11 Feb 2025)
Date/Time (E.g. 11 Feb 2025 12:53)
Day of Month (E.g. 11)
Full Date/Time (E.g. Tuesday, 11 February 2025)
Hour (E.g. 12)
Last Day of Month (E.g. 28)
Previous Month Last Day (E.g. 31)
Minute (E.g. 53)
Full Month (E.g. February)
Report Range for First to Last Day of Month
Short Month (E.g. Feb)
Previous Month (E.g. January)
Report Range for First to Last Day of Previous Month
Previous Short Month (E.g. Jan)
Report Range (E.g. Past 24 Hours)
Report Range for Specific Dates
Report Range for Specific Dates with Times
Time (E.g. 12:53)
Full Weekday (E.g. Tuesday)
Short Weekday (E.g. Tue)
Year (E.g. 2025)
Previous Month Year (E.g. 2025)
Change Logs
Column Heading
Column Shows
Note: Date/Time is always shown as the first column for this report
Note: Results are grouped by Product and Node Name is always shown as the first column in this report
Cross-Reference Data
Column Heading
Column Shows
Note: Date/Time is always shown as the first column for this report
Note: Results are grouped by Product and Node Name is always shown as the first column in this report
Compliance Data
Column Heading
Column Shows
Note: Date/Time is always shown as the first column for this report
Note: Results are grouped by Product and Node Name is always shown as the first column in this report
Alert Data
Column Heading
Column Shows
Note: Date/Time is always shown as the first column for this report
Note: Results are grouped by Product and Node Name is always shown as the first column in this report
Exchange Mailbox Data
Column Heading
Column Shows
Note: Date/Time is always shown as the first column for this report
Note: Results are grouped by Product and Node Name is always shown as the first column in this report
File Audit Data
Column Heading
Column Shows
Note: Date/Time is always shown as the first column for this report
Note: Results are grouped by Product and Node Name is always shown as the first column in this report
Licensed Nodes Data
Column Heading
Column Shows
Note: Date/Time is always shown as the first column for this report
Note: Results are grouped by Product and Node Name is always shown as the first column in this report
Event Data
Column Heading
Column Shows
Note: Date/Time is always shown as the first column for this report
Note: Results are grouped by Product and Node Name is always shown as the first column in this report
Performance Counters
Performance Counters
Column Heading
Column Shows
Performance Counters
Column Heading
Column Shows
Performance Counter
Column Heading
Column Shows
Apply To The Following Nodes
Monitoring Group
▼ ▼
Y-Axis Scale:
Threshold Lines:
The following section adds trend analysis graphs (following the same order as the table):
Y-Axis Scale:
Threshold Lines:
▼ ▼
Y-Axis Scale:
Threshold Lines:
Report Style Gallery:
Report Sequence In This Report Group
Simply drag and drop to change the order of the report sequence
Prepend Page Break
Sections In This Report Layout
Report Layout Type
Reports In Section
(The link will be appended to the bottom of the email body automatically)
Report Or Report Group For This Automator
Report or Report Group
Override The Following Variables (Optional)
Variable Name
Override To
Edit Headers
Edit Footers
Report Style Gallery:
This built-in variable substitutes the current date in the following format:
E.g. 5 Oct 2011
This built-in variable substitutes the current date and time in the following format:
E.g. 5 Oct 2011 13:52
This built-in variable substitutes the current day of the month:
E.g. 31
This built-in variable substitutes the current date in the following format:
E.g. Wed, 5 Oct 2011
This built-in variable substitutes the 24-hour format of the current hour:
E.g. 16
This built-in variable substitutes the last day of the month:
E.g. 1 Feb - 28 Feb
This built-in variable substitutes the last day of the previous month:
This built-in variable substitutes the minutes of the current time, with leading zeros:
E.g. 23
This built-in variable substitutes the current month in the following format:
E.g. October
This built-in variable substitutes the start and end of the current month in the following format:
E.g. 1 Feb 2012 - 29 Feb 2012
This built-in variable substitutes the current month in the following format:
E.g. Oct
This built-in variable substitutes the previous month in the following format:
E.g. January
This built-in variable substitutes the start and end of the previous month in the following format:
E.g. 1 Jan 2012 - 31 Jan 2012
This built-in variable substitutes the previous month in the following format:
E.g. Jan
This built-in variable substitutes selected range in Automator, or when previewing Reports:
E.g. Past 6 Months
This built-in variable substitutes selected range in Automator, or when previewing Reports:
E.g. Past 6 Months as of Thu, 26 Jan 2012
This built-in variable substitutes selected range in Automator, or when previewing Reports:
E.g. Past 6 Months as of Thu, 26 Jan 2012 12:00 AM
This built-in variable substitutes the current time in the following format:
E.g. 13:52
This built-in variable substitutes the current weekday in the following format:
E.g. Wednesday
This built-in variable substitutes the current weekday in the following format:
E.g. Wed
This built-in variable substitutes the current year:
E.g. 2011
This built-in variable substitutes the previous month in the following format:
E.g. Dec 2011 - Jan 2012
Test Email Settings
This Import/Export facility allows you to backup and restore your Argent Reports definitions for safekeeping, or import report definitions from another instance of Argent Reports
Exporting Definitions
Choose one or more reports to export. The exported file is an XML file containing the selected Argent Reports definitions
Export Definitions
Importing Definitions
During an import, you will be prompted to 'overwrite' or 'skip' the definition, if it already exists
(The Field Number starts from 1 and matches the ORDER of fields in the SQL SELECT statement)
If Value Is: (Use The Pipe '|' Symbol To Specify An OR Case)
If Value Is
Then Display As
If Value Is: (Use The Pipe '|' Symbol To Specify An OR Case)
Please choose a Report Schedule to test
The report generation timed out
The File
has been successfully sent to the following email addresses
Unable to sendThe File
to the following email addresses
The File
has been successfully exported to the following UNC path
Unable to exportThe File
to the following UNC path
You're logged in as a user that matches multiple Security Views in Argent Reports
Please choose the Security View you want to load -- by default we've loaded the first matching Security View.
You can change between Security Views anytime via this pull-down menu.
The definition already exists:[]
How would you like to handle this definition?
Report Style Gallery:
Select one or more Argent Reports
I want to create compliance reports for:
To create a set of best practice reports for a particular compliance act, click on the button below:
Start The Compliance Report Wizard
Warning: You have not saved the changes made in this definition
Test email has been successfully sent to
FAILED to send email to
PowerShell Report executed successfully.( row records returned)
SQL was executed successfully
First row returned was:
Please select an Argent Reports Definition file to import
The Argent Reports Definition file should be an XML file
The uploaded XML file is an invalid Argent Reports import file
Import operation has ended successfully
Please click OK to refresh the tree
You can select a maximum ofnodes in a single graph
This row contains a Monitoring Group that you do not have access to.
Either delete this row, or contact your Argent Reports Administrator.
The Definition Name already exists: []
Please enter a new Name
This folder still contains some Argent Reports.
Do You Want To Delete These Argent Reports?
You are about to delete the last folder containing some Argent Reports.
Do You Want To Delete These Argent Reports?
This folder contains some Argent Reports you do not have access to.
You cannot delete this folder.
Please contact your Argent Reports Administrator.
Argent Reports 7.0A-2104-B
Copyright 1991 - 2025 ArgSoft Intellectual Property Holdings Limited
This product is protected by some or all of the following U.S. Patents:
6483813, 511167, 511346, 530335, 543551, 553142, 553143, 553144
553626, 553627, 553628, 553629, 553630, 553631, 553635, 553636
553637, 562835, 562836, 562837, 585908, 586356, and 586358
Updating cached definitions from the Argent Main Engine
Resync completed. Press OK to refresh the page
This div is used for dynamically creating an iframe for uploading files/images
See AR7890_UploadFile